
The following books below have been collated from various free ebook sites and are published for personal use.

The books may or may not be out of copyright, and this site is not responsible for any of the books content.

These books contain a lot of truth about the afterlife, how it works, what it's like, and how it interacts with our world.


Please read the books and make your own mind up.

Physical Mediumship

Louie Harris - They Walked Among Us
Harry Edwards - The Mediumship Of Jack Webber

Gambier Bolton - Ghosts in Solid Form

Tom Harrison - Visits By Our Friends From The Other Side

Classic Spirit Books

Anthony Borgia - Life In The World Unseen
Anthony Borgia - More About Life In The World Unseen
Anthony Borgia - Facts

Arthur Findlay - On The Edge of The Etheric

Arthur Findlay - The Way Of Life
Arthur Findlay - The Curse Of Ignorance
Caroline Larsen - My Travels in the Spirit World
Edward White Stewart - The Betty Book
Emanuel Swedenborg - Heaven and Hell
Gambier Bolton - Ghosts in Solid Form
JSM Ward - A Subaltern In Spirit Lands
L Bamber - Claudes Book
Louie Harris - They Walked Among Us
Major Wellesley Tudor Pole - "Private Dowding".doc
Prof Carl Wickland - Thirty Years Among the Dead
Rev G Vale Owen - The Life Beyond The Veil
William Stainton Moses - More Teachings
William Stainton Moses - Spirit Teachings
William T Stead - Communication With The Next World
William T Stead - The Blue Island by Pardoe Woodman Estelle Stead.pdf




A Full List of eBooks Available To Download

Allen Kardec - Genesis.pdf
Allen Kardec - Heaven and Hell ebook .pdf
Allen Kardec - The Mediums Book.pdf
Andrew Jackson Davis - Principles Of Nature.doc
Anita Silvani - The Strange Story of Ahrinziman.doc
A. Farnese - Franchezzo - A Wanderer in The Spirit Lands.pdf
Anthony Borgia - Heaven And Earth.doc
Anthony Borgia - Here And Here After.pdf
Anthony Borgia - Life In The World Unseen.pdf
Anthony Borgia - More About Life In The World Unseen.pdf
Anthony Borgia - Facts.pdf
AP Sinnett - In The Next World.doc
Arthur Findlay - On The Edge of The Etheric.doc
Arthur Findlay - The Way Of Life.doc
Arthur Findlay - The Curse Of Ignorance.pdf
Caroline D Larsen - My Travels in the Spirit World.pdf
Clyde Irion - The Profit And Loss of Dying.doc
CW Leadbeater - Clairvoyance.doc
CW Leadbeater - The Power and Use of Thought.doc
Daniel Dunglas Home - Incidents In My Life.pdf
Dr. John S King - Dawn of the Awakened Mind.pdf
Edward C Randall - Frontiers Of The Afterlife.doc
Edward C Randall - The Dead Have Never Died.doc
Edward White Stewart - The Road I Know.pdf
Edward White Stewart - The Betty Book.doc
Emanuel Swedenborg - Heaven and Hell.pdf
Emma Hardinge Britten - Ghostland.doc
Emma Hardinge Britten - Questions.pdf
Emma Hardinge Britten - Trance Addresses 1866.pdf
Ernest Thompson - Evolution and Philosophy.pdf
Florence Marryat - There is NO Death.doc
Gambier Bolton - Ghosts in Solid Form.doc
Geoff Cutler - Getting the Hell Out Of Here.pdf
Geraldine Cummins - The Road To Immortality.doc
Harry Edwards - The Mediumship Of Jack Webber.doc
Henry S Olcott - People From Other Worlds.doc
Horace G Wood - The Philosophy of Creation.pdf
Hudson Tuttle - Mediumship And Its Laws.pdf
J H Conant - Flashes Of Light From The Spirit Land.pdf
James E Malcolm - The Universe and Man.pdf
JM Roberts - Antinquity Unveiled Ancient Voices.doc
Father Johanne Greber - Communication With The Spirit World
JSM_Ward - Gone West.pdf
JSM_Ward - A_Subaltern_In_Spirit_Lands.pdf
L Bamber - Claudes_Book.pdf
L Margery Bazett - Beyond the five senses.pdf
Louie Harris - They Walked Among Us.doc
Major Wellesley Tudor Pole - Private Dowding.doc
Martha Washington - The Heavenly Spheres.doc
Mary McEvilly - A Message From Mesolam.pdf
Mrs Gladys Leonard - My Two Worlds.doc
Mrs Gladys Leonard - The Last Crossing.doc
Nettie Colburn Maynard - Was Abraham Lincoln A Spiritualist.pdf
Neville Randall - Life After Death.doc
Prentice Mulford - Thoughts Are Things.pdf
Prof Carl Wickland - Thirty Years Among the Dead.doc
Prof William J Crawford - The Reality of Psychic Phenomena.pdf
R J Lees - Through The Mists.pdf
R J Lees - The Gate Of Heaven.pdf
Rev Charles Drayton Thomas - Life Beyond Death With Evidence.pdf
Rev G Vale Owen - The Life Beyond The Veil.pdf
Robert Monroe - Journeys Out Of The Body.pdf
Sir William Crookes - Reseaches in the Phenomena of Spiritualism.pdf
Stewart Edward White - With Folded Wings.doc
Susan Martinez - The Little People.doc
Tom Harrison - Visits By Our Friends From The Other Side.doc
US Andersen - The Secret of Secrets.doc
Vice Admiral Usborne Moore - Glimpses of The Next State.pdf
Vice Admiral Usborne Moore - Spirit Identity.pdf
Vice Admiral Usborne Moore - The Voices.pdf
William Stainton Moses - More Teachings.pdf
William Stainton Moses - Spirit Teachings.pdf
William T Stead - The Blue Island by Pardoe Woodman Estelle Stead.pdf
William T Stead - Communication With The Next World.pdf
William W Aber - The Dawn Of Another Life.doc
William W Aber - The Guiding Star.doc